At Swim Fin we work towards teaching the strokes correctly and with a good technique we don’t teach to pass the next award as you may find in other swim schools. I find when this is done the child is ok at doing various kicks such a breastroke, butterfly, front and back kick however the child’s actual swimming suffers as a result of the teacher just trying tick boxes.
We follow a very simple plan of delivering the lessons ensuring the child is competent on swimming on their front crawl and back stroke before we start introducing butterfly, tumble turns and other watermanship skills that are not necessary at a young age.
Before you join the school we will offer your child an assessment to ensure your child is placed in a group of similar abilities. Once placed it’s very rare that you will need to move days or times as we find the class will progress at the same pace, if your child does excel more than the other children in the class we can simple move you over to the next lane (subject to space) ensuring you keep a day and time that fits in around your life.
When we do work on an awards we use the STA International Learn to Swim Programme (ILSP) The ILSP recognises that pupils learn to swim at many different ages and progress at varying paces.
Below is a progression chart that your child will follow within their time at the swim school at each school we have a complete breakdown of what your child will need to do to pass an award and the teachers are more than happy to help you understand what your child is working towards.